Recuperation and heat pumps – application, advantages

Recuperation and heat pumps – application, advantages. Heat recovery is the return (fully or partially) of the thermal potential used in a given technological cycle for reuse. Recuperation and heat pumps is the perfect combination that brings significant savings in the costs of the heating system. It is used in ventilation, which is a heat exchange process in which the heat energy of the exhaust air is transferred to the fresh supply air through contact with a heat exchanger, whereby it is heated. The result of the recuperation process is the release of already cooled air to the street in winter and the supply of already heated air to the rooms.


Improving building codes, the emergence of new building materials, building technologies and increasing the demand for comfort tighten the requirements for engineering systems in newly constructed buildings, including ventilation systems, minimizing their energy consumption. Recuperation and heat pumps are a low-cost design and construction method that saves capital costs.

The development of building technologies has led to the appearance of sealed window and door packages. Such windows and doors began to significantly save thermal energy, but made it practically impossible to exchange air in the rooms. In addition, as a result of the use of modern building materials, the air permeability of the walls is significantly reduced. Staying in such rooms without an air exchange system has become extremely detrimental to health.

It turned out to be necessary to use a ventilation system in which the heat needed to heat the cold outdoor air would be removed from the used exhaust air. And, on the contrary, in hot weather with air conditioning. That is, a ventilation system that uses heat recovery. In hot weather during air conditioning.


An air recuperator is a device that performs an energy-saving function, as it allows the cold pumped air to be heated with the help of exhaust heat. This, in turn, saves on the heating and ventilation engineering system as it reduces the heating load on the supply air heating. The heating of the supply air can account for up to half of the total heating output with a single room air change and of course the lion’s share of the heating output with multiple air changes. The combination of recuperation and heat pump finally enables the optimal selection of the parameters of both installations.

The use of classic types of air recuperators in ventilation systems makes it possible to reuse 45% of the exhaust air heat. However, the development of recovery systems does not stand still. The methods and efficiency of recovering heat from the extract air to keep it indoors are constantly being improved. The result of this development is, for example, a system with thermodynamic heat recovery, recuperation and air-to-air heat pumps using a direct expansion heat exchanger circuit arranged in the form of freon heat exchangers in the exhaust system and the exhaust and exhaust supply channels behind the classic plate heat exchanger.


The undeniable advantage of combining recuperation and heat pump , i.e. thermodynamic or active heat recovery, is the need for additional heating and cooling sections. The characteristics of the entire range of supply-exhaust units with heat recovery are optimally adapted to the implementation of supply-exhaust ventilation systems of any buildings and rooms for home, office or industrial use through the use of active heat recovery technology.

The ventilation system with heat recovery allows you to provide the room with clean air, create the optimal temperature for a comfortable stay, and thus reduce the additional load on the heating system. The operation of such ventilation is as follows: the discharged warm air from the room through the duct system enters the heat exchanger of the recuperator, in which the process of heat transfer to cold air from the street, which flows further with a more comfortable temperature into the room. The efficiency of conventional recuperators is 40-50%.


Recuperators  thermodynamic recuperators  , supply and exhaust units are units with a plate heat exchanger constitute a unique and effective solution for energy-saving ventilation systems. A passive recuperator and a high-efficiency heat pump with reversible air (cold heat) based on compressors with an inverter are combined in one air handling unit housing. As a result, the task of replacing polluted air in rooms with new air is achieved with an efficiency of over 100% (approximately 300% or more, depending on conditions). This means that the air emitted from the house is colder than the outside temperature in winter and warmer than the natural environment in summer.

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